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Where, how much and other information

Topical issues for families with young children are: where are kindergartens in Hurghada, how are classes held there and what are the conditions for admission and payment. We will answer these and many other questions now. 


 There are a lot of kindergartens in Hurghada.  All of them are located in the most popular areas among foreign residents: Mubarak-2, Mubarak-6, Magavish, El Kawther and Hadaba.
Usually kindergartens are located in villas, so that children can  walk in the fresh air and swim in the pool.

How much is it?
The payment for kindergarten ranges from£ 550 to £ 1,000 per month.

Work schedule.
The gardens are open with one day off – on Friday. All other days from 08:30 or 09:00 to 18:00 or 19:00, children play, walk, communicate and develop special classes. Many kindergartens are open until 16 00 at most, and not all agree to extend the working day until the evening, even for an additional fee. Although you can find kindergartens with an evening group, but there are very few of them. If parents need gardens with evening groups for work, then you need to find out more. Some kindergartens provide a shuttle service. This is about about $ 30 per month. By the way, many parents prefer to send their children to kindergartens only for a few days a week.
Many kindergartens organize games and contests for children on Thursdays and Saturdays. These days, children do not attend classes, but only play, draw, do crafts.

Of course, the gardens in Egypt cannot be compared with others. There is a completely different system here. Usually the age of children who are ready to visit the garden is from 3 years, but many kindergartens accept babies up to a year. Some Egyptian mothers prefer to give their children for half a day from the age of 6 months. Despite the fact that almost all of them are housewives..
Local preschool institutions have a completely different approach to raising children. Already at the age of 3, they begin to attend classes. They study a foreign language, usually English and Arabic, religion, writing and mathematics. Of course, at this age, children learn in a playful way. But already 5-year-olds are starting to write and read. Many kindergartens prepare children of the older group for school. Usually there are about 6-7 people in one group.
It is not necessary to draw an analogy between the usual gardens in our country and local ones. There is no mandatory quiet hour here. Of course, if the child wants to rest, he can sleep. But there are no special rooms for this in kindergartens. Also with power. Usually mothers give food with them. If the child has had breakfast at home, then he will eat the Lunch box brought for lunch. For an additional fee, you can order meals in the kindergarten. Russian kindergartens try to adhere to the system of preschool institutions that we are familiar with. They have a mandatory quiet hour and three meals a day.

Foreign parents strive to make the most of the unique opportunity of living in another country and learning several languages by their children at an early age, when this happens most naturally and without much difficulty. In most kindergartens of Hurghada, in the process of live communication and unobtrusive classes, children can develop and simultaneously learn Arabic and English at the same time, because children are in groups from mixed families, where they communicate in several languages at the same time.
Some foreign mothers prefer to send their children completely to Egyptian kindergartens so that the child learns Arabic perfectly. Local moms, on the contrary, try to give their child to a place where the emphasis is on foreign languages.

Kindergartens in Hurghada for Russian speakers.
Since a fairly large Russian-speaking diaspora lives in Hurghada, many kindergartens have been opened specifically for Russian-speaking children. The most popular kindergartens are:
"Teremok" on the Old Sheraton.
"El Gina" in Mubarak 2.
Kindergarten "Daughters and sons", on Memsha street opposite the Mashrabeya hotel.
Communication and training in them is conducted in Russian. Additionally, children study English and Arabic, but not as in-depth as in other kindergartens or foreign ones.
All of the above kindergartens try to adhere to the Russian system. There is a quiet hour and food.
It is impossible not to mention the educational Center "Rodnik". This center offers many different classes and clubs. Our moms, after kindergarten, take the kids there for additional classes. The center is located in El Kauser.

Despite the fact that there are so many Russian-speaking kindergartens in Hurghada, many parents prefer to send their children to international kindergartens with intensive study of English. Classes are held there in English and children are well prepared for entering primary school.

Here are some of them:
Busy bee, Magavish area
First step, in Mubarak-6
Les bonbons, in Mubarak-6
Nemo and Little Harvest, in Mubarak-6
Little Genius, El Kawther area
Blue Ray, El Kawther area
Simba, El Kawther area
The  last one has piano lessons for an additional fee.
All these pre-school institutions prepare children well for entering primary school.
In these gardens, the emphasis is on learning a foreign language. Children not only attend classes, but also communicate with each other. Many people can then go straight to the first class without attending KG.

Daily routine in Russian kindergartens
As mentioned in the article earlier, Russian kindergartens try to adhere to the system we are used to.
Morning - breakfast, games, a walk, educational classes.
Day-lunch, quiet hour.
If the child stays until the evening.
Afternoon tea, a walk, games, dinner.

Daily routine in local kindergartens
from 9 to 10 am - breakfast, games
from 10.00 to 12.30 - educational classes.
at 13 00 - lunch.
A quiet hour is not provided, but the child can sleep if desired.
After lunch, usually a walk, games.
If the child stayed until the evening, dinner is also provided.
There are no classes on Thursday and Saturday.
In all kindergartens, classes are usually held in the morning until 13 00. Then the children just play.

Admission conditions.
It is quite difficult to get into all good kindergartens. If you decide to send your children to a British or Russian kindergarten, you need to agree in advance. As a rule, there is a queue for a place. The kindergarten does not require any special documents.

Only you decide which kindergarten to send your child to. Our advice, before you decide on this serious step, talk to your friends and acquaintances. Conduct your own marketing research. Each of them provides a different system and a different approach to learning. You must decide for yourself what is important for your child, learning foreign languages or communicating in your native language and how this will affect further education. Each parent has a different approach to raising children and plans for their future.

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